FET Free Timetabling Software ::.

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FET is available for download in the following forms:

  1. Latest version C++ sources: FET-6.21.1 - 5 June 2024
    Sources archive (needs compiling)


    Signature: fet-6.21.1.tar.bz2.asc (Liviu Lalescu's public key: https://lalescu.ro/liviu/liviu-gpg-key/liviu-gpg-key.asc)
    Size: 21,043,552 bytes (20.1 MiB).
    SHA256 sum: ac4cb01b74d5005a632436aa41792ed8ab9af601afe5903d9c4b6ca7dd1c5f01.

    (see the README file from this archive for compiling/installing/running instructions)
    This version works on GNU/Linux, Windows, and macOS

  2. Latest version executable for Windows 10 or later, 64-bit: FET-6.21.1 - 5 June 2024
    64-bit, Windows 10 or later


    Size: 25,355,352 bytes (24.2 MiB).
    SHA256 sum: 0034c1ef5f49ca049cb4e529f688a1875eb30e25eaf9e610f971a8ae5d3758f3.

  3. Executable for Windows 7 and 8.1, 64-bit, using the old Qt 5.15.14
    64-bit, Windows 7 and 8.1


    Size: 24,468,346 bytes (23.3 MiB).
    SHA256 sum: b60a42840c1ff2ecc940332be6736aa67bc59aec990b4ac98bed5437c9830050.

  4. Executable for Windows 7 or later, 32-bit, using the old Qt 5.15.14
    32-bit, Windows 7 or later


    Size: 24,071,223 bytes (23.0 MiB).
    SHA256 sum: 20f89b64bba975bbfbced21b41e779c508fbf9465778c3dd4f656738d473de28.

  5. FET executable for macOS, contributed by Darren McDonald. Please report problems/results on the dedicated FET forum thread (direct link provided below)
    FET executable for macOS

    FET for macOS on Darren McDonald's page

    FET forum topic to report problems/results

  6. FET AppImage for GNU/Linux 64-bit (chmod a+x and run):
    GNU/Linux AppImage 64-bit


    Size: 54,277,312 bytes (51.8 MiB).
    SHA256 sum: e987ba4d3c2ee20c6bbde1ba7d1dc7f3b97f6fa4d5407c5893fb9c3be8f276ca.

    1) The example files are not available (but you can get them from the sources archive of FET).
    2) FET command-line version is not available.

  7. FET executable for GNU/Linux 64-bit:
    GNU/Linux executable 64-bit


    Size: 61,469,991 bytes (58.6 MiB).
    SHA256 sum: 9363d1e94d0dcc828dc4d28b406622148ba5c2e2c53ed7b047f24ca641d64eb9.

  8. FET executable for various GNU/Linux distributions, contributed by the respective packagers: please see the "Tools/Links" section of FET homepage.
    Note: These packages might not be updated to the most recent FET official version - you might want to use the provided GNU/Linux executables from the section above.

  9. Older versions (not recommended, they are deprecated)

    older versions directory

Note: FET is a C++ application and uses Qt, a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development. FET can be run on any platform supported by Qt (GNU/Linux, Windows, macOS, and maybe others).
You can get the sources version of FET, in which case you need to compile it, or you can use a precompiled FET package. The precompiled FET packages contain object code parts of Qt and maybe of the used C++ compiler. Since Qt and the used C++ compiler are also free software released under the GNU (L)GPL license, we must provide you with the possibility of obtaining their source code, as required by the GNU (L)GPL license. The easiest way to get them is from: https://www.qt.io/. Alternatively, you can download the Qt and MinGW source code archives from the lalescu.ro server: Qt and MinGW. The gcc compiler's source code (used to compile FET under GNU/Linux and maybe other platforms) is available from: https://gcc.gnu.org/. Alternatively, you can download the gcc source code archive from the lalescu.ro server: gcc. The Clang compiler's source code (used to compile FET under macOS, GNU/Linux, and maybe other platforms) is available from: https://clang.llvm.org/. Alternatively, you can download the Clang source code archive from the lalescu.ro server: Clang.