Per lavorare con windows, nelle varie versioni, e montare in 5 minuti sul proprio
computer tutto ciò che serve per installare un phpnuke 5.6 vai al link
dove troverai un pacchetto zippato da 17 mega che contiene
Apache 1.3.24
PHP 4.2.1
MySQL 3.23.51
PHPNuke 5.6
phpMyAdmin 2.2.6
Se lo lanci si installa da se fa tutto da solo e magicamente dopo il riavvio
Con l'ausilio delle precedenti dispense pubblicate sul ns sito si può
cominciare ad esercitarsi sulle performance dei software che sono tutti free e
open source.
E poi a settembre partirà il corso avanzato per webmaster al
Inseriamo anche una FAQ tratta dal sito AppServ
Answer |
· 1. Where I can get PHP-Nuke file?
You can download PHP-Nuke file from
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· 2. I got PHP-Nuke file and then?
Figure 1. Unzip PHP-Nuke file into AppServ www directory
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· 3. Create database and dump database?
Figure 2. Dumping PHP-Nuke database.
- Run DOS Command.
- CD to AppServ installed directory and cd to mysqlin.
- Run mysql shell.
- Create database phpnuke.
- Exit mysql shell.
- Dumping database with mysql command.
- If no error message it mean database has been dump.
- Exit Dos Command.
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· 4. Delete unused file ?
Figure 3. Delete unused file .
- Select some files to delete. If you need to delete.
- press SHIFT + DELETE he he he
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· 5. Move file to local directory
Figure 4. Move file to local directory
- Go to html directory and select all files.
- Cut them ! and back to www directory.
- Paste it !
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· 6. Edit PHP-Nuke Config file ?
Figure 5. Edit config.php
- Open config.php in AppServ www directory with text editor.
- Change $dbname to phpnuke
- Save and exit
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· 7. Launching PHP-Nuke ! !! ! ! ! !
- Open Internet Explorer , Mozilla , Netscape , Opera and etc ...
- Type http://localhost
- If PHP-Nuke appear without warning mysql command it mean you are
- Go to admin.php for create admin user e.g. http://localhost/admin.php
- Typing information and press submit.
- And then Loging on to Administrator Control Menu
- EOF. Have a nice day Nuker r rr r r r rr ! !