U.S. Sicily Summer Camp
Data: Sabato, 18 luglio 2015 ore 00:29:03 CEST
Argomento: Comunicati

There’s a one-week Teacher training Course for 15 teachers from different cities in SicilyNell'ambito del progetto "Sicily Summer Camp 2015" promosso dall'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Italia e organizzato da TESOL Italia si è conclusa la settimana dedicata alla formazione di 15 insegnanti provenienti da diverse città della Sicilia e tenuta da tre qualificati formatori provenienti dagli Stati Uniti e dall'Italia: Lucilla Lopriore, Shondel Nero e Melanie Rockenhaus. Con una cerimonia di apertura domani inizierà la settimana di Summer Camp per 15 studenti che hanno appena completato la scuola media. Le attività ricreative in inglese saranno organizzati da tre qualificati Staff Camp.

Lina Vellucci
Summer Camp Coordinatore

The project, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Italy and organized by TESOL Italy, is on its way.

There’s a one-week Teacher training Course for 15 teachers from different cities in Sicily held by three highly qualified Teacher Trainers from the U.S.A and Italy, and a one-week Summer Camp for 15 students that have just completed middle school.

The project aims at enhancing teachers’ language skills and reinforcing resources for a permanent educational community in Sicily through English.

From 13th to 17th July a 40-hour training course in English will be held for 15 teachers from different cities in Sicily by three qualified Teacher Trainers specialized in the fields of applied linguistics, multicultural understanding, language teaching methodology and language education.

From 20th-to 26th July there will be a Summer Camp for 15 students that have just completed middle school. There will be a Language Improvement Course held by three teachers among the ones that attended the teacher training course the first week. Recreational activities in English will be organized by 3 qualified Camp Staff.

There’s a one-week Teacher training Course for 15 teachers from different cities in Sicily

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