Breaking Barriers : Rompere le barriere della dislessia
Data: Luned́, 19 settembre 2011 ore 10:35:11 CEST
Argomento: Associazioni

Breaking Barriers: Rompere le barriere della dislessia RoccalumeraConvegno Internazionale Breaking Barriers: Rompere le barriere della dislessia Roccalumera (ME) – Antica Filanda 26 Settembre 2011.
Questi gli interventi: The Italian Dyslexia Association (Grazia Restuccia), Dyslexia: a lifelong condition (Antonella Gagliano), Breaking Barriers: the project (Eeva Siirala), The state of the art in European Countries (Holanda, Finland, Norway, Estonia,Turkey), Peer Learning: practices and experiences (Irma Kakkuri), The diagnosis of Dyslexia in adulthood (Enrico Ghidoni), Dyslexia in adulthood (Giacomo Stella), What about legislation (Carlo Mastroeni), Assistive technology and helping devices (Luca Grandi), Practical Solutions for Higher and Further Education (Giacomo Cutrera).
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prof. ssa Mary Nocifora

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