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Mobilità Personale Docente per l’a.s. 2024/2025 – conclusione operazioni di convalida
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Catania romana e dintorni
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Didattica: Stem cell stories: science and ethics on screen


We've made four films looking at different aspects of stem cell research. All are the result of a close collaboration between scientists and filmmakers, and are designed to be accessible to a broad general audience aged 14+. The films are ideal for classroom use, conference screenings or just as a source of information for those who would like to know more.

All films have been produced in English, with subtitles and/or narration in French, German, Dutch, Italian and Swedish.

The 2-disc DVD set is not currently available for order. More information will be available on the website about when and how it will be possible to order once the EuroStemCell project is over (Jan. 31). 

1. A Stem Cell Story

Watch online:
Deutsch English Français
  Nederlands Italiano Svensk

15 minutes long and available to view online, or download via iTunes, this film provides an engaging, accessible and visually stunning introduction to the world of stem cell research. It uses innovative hand-drawn animation, stunning cell photography and documentary interviews to capture the fascination and complexity of this cutting-edge area of science.

Awards and Screenings
A Stem Cell Story
won the best TV/video production award at the Tromsø Science Media Festival, the best short film award at Scinema, and was selected to screen in competition at the Science Film Festival in Bangkok, at BaKaFORUM 2007 and at Vedere la Scienza.

2. Conversations: ethics, science, stem cells

Watch online:
Deutsch English Français
  Nederlands Italiano Svensk

Human embryonic stem cell lines are generated from blastocysts - early human embryos.  But what are blastocysts, and when does personhood begin?   What justifies research? Doctors, scientists, ethicists, theologians and a patient bring their different points of view, in this thought-provoking exploration of the ethical issues surrounding stem cell research.

This 19-minute film aims to encourage open debate about the ethical issues around stem cell research. It is structured in chapters, each addressing a key ethical question.


3. Cell culture

Watch online:
Deutsch English Français
  Nederlands Italiano Svensk
This six-minute film takes a closer look at how and why scientists grow stem cells in the lab. With the same visual style that makes A Stem Cell Story so appealing, this film's mix of timelapse photography, live action and hand-drawn animation transports viewers into the cell culture lab. Ideal for senior biology classes.


4. Dolly and beyond

How was Dolly the sheep made? Are there different kinds of cloning? What are their implications? Scientists, doctors and philosophers address these questions with particular emphasis on the ethics of cloning.


For more information, or to pass on feedback about the films,

Postato il Domenica, 16 marzo 2008 ore 21:00:00 CET di Filippo Laganà
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