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aprile 2024

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Ministero Istruzione e Università
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· ITI Ferraris - Acireale
· ITC Arcoleo - Caltagirone
· IC Petrarca - Catania
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· CD Don Milani - Randazzo
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Learning World: Partial Scholarships. Teaching Assistant Volunteering (TAV), Public School in Argentina - Working with underprivileged children

InterCambio Cultural Educational Foundation is pleased to offer 5 Teaching Assistant Volunteering (TAV) scholarships to students.  These scholarships recognize academic excellence and assist deserving individuals who need financial help to continue their professional experiences abroad. We are able to offer 5 scholarships for students.  Since it is a partial scholarship the cost that the volunteer would have to make a contribution of  € 90 / USD 125 a week.  This amount will cover:  Dedicated program coordinator, Airport Pick-up, Accommodation: In a furnished single room of a house or flat. Living with local students, adult, host families or young working people, a local cellular phone number while in the Argentina  (Argentina SIM card, credits and Cellular Phone), a local bus card provided with 4 bus rides,  clases of Cross-cultural studies: Argentina in America, Economics, government, healthcare, education, legal system, geography, Human Rights, native, history, Desaparecidos., poverty, Interpersonal relations, social etiquette, values, ethics, customs and national characters. Typical food/ drinks, tourism and music, Weekly Progress Meeting, Project placement in Public School, orientation upon arrival to include: Basic orientation packet from host organization, information regarding expectations, rules and guidelines for volunteer projects, staff will accompany the participant to host organization on first day, plus periodic visits to ensure adequate progress, Emergency support and assistance 24/7, entire program is supervised at ICC headquarters

Program Overview

The Teaching Assistant Volunteering in Córdoba, Argentina is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Cordoba and Onix Foundation (ICC). The program's goal are to develop and demonstrate intercultural communication competency through practical experience, comparative analysis of interpersonal communication patterns in two cultures, to encourage mutual understanding as well as international, educational/cultural exchange and Identify current educational issues, learn about similarities and differences in education among countries.

Program Description in Public Schools

The Teaching Assistant Volunteering provides participants an opportunity to experience Pre-elementary/elementary and secondary schools in an international setting at an introductory level and/or to compare and contrast educational systems in their home country. In their role as observers and assistants to a mentor teacher, participants gain an enriched perspective on teaching and schools. This practicum is appropriate for pre-service teachers at any stage of their teacher preparation program.

Application Deadline - 2014
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout this year. Please apply at least 6 weeks prior to your desired start date.
The requirements for this program are:
- Volunteers should be between ages 18-30.  
- Internships minimum length of 4 weeks
- Curriculum Vitae in Spanish language 
- Intermediate Spanish level – B1
- Intern Scholarship Essay/Personal Statement: academic achievements, work experience, community service, why coming to Argentina and how this experience will help his/her professional life

Program details
Our part as organizing Foundation is to include our regular service for the program but in this particular case we will offer different cultural talks or classes.

- Dedicated program coordinator to prepare the program prior to arrival
- Airport meet and greet service – (Pick-up)
- Accommodation: In a furnished single room of a house or flat. Living with local students, young working people or a host family. (no meals)
- A local cellular phone while in the Argentina  (Argentina SIM card and Cellular Phone)
- A local bus card with 4 bus rides.
- Cross-cultural studies:
Ø  Argentina in America:  Economics, government, healthcare, education, the family and geography, Human Rights, native, history, “desaparecidos”, legal system, poverty.
Ø  Beliefs, culture, Interpersonal relations, social etiquette, values, ethics, customs and national characters. Food, drink, tourism and music.
- Project placement
- Individual orientation upon arrival to include:
Basic orientation packet
Information regarding expectations, rules and guidelines for projects
Staff will accompany the intern to host organization on first day, plus periodic visits to ensure adequate progress
- Emergency support and assistance 24/7
- Exchange program participation certificate from ICC
- CC answers all e-mails within 24/48 hours / Entire program is supervised at ICC

For more information and application please write to:
Dr. Carlos Giavay Waiss
Office of Admission
Prácticas Profesionales
Calle Buenos Aires 124  Piso 3  Oficina 33 | C.P. 5000 Córdoba – Argentina
Tel: +54 - 351 – 4232837 / 4250547 | Cel: +54 -9- 351 (15)2381781

Postato il Martedì, 22 aprile 2014 ore 07:30:00 CEST di Michelangelo Nicotra
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